The Foundry House Management Group are seeking the views of local people, community groups and town and county councillors regarding the following proposal:
“That the ground floor extension to Foundry House be fitted out to meet the needs of a community café and training kitchen to be run by Foundry House in cooperation with Pembroke County Council (PCC) Adult Care Service and others concerned with the care of disabled, vulnerable or otherwise disadvantaged members of our community.”

Our ideas for the café are that it will provide a warm and welcoming space, offer genuinely affordable meals, a Food Hub, Community Fridge, Food Bank Pick Up Point and opportunities for training and work experience. It is envisaged that a team of Foundry House volunteers along with staff and customers of PCC Adult Care Service will operate the café during week days. In the evenings and at weekends it is proposed that the café cater for activities happening elsewhere in Foundry House and offer space for events such as cooking demonstrations and pop-up restaurants.
We would be most grateful if you would complete a short questionnaire CLICK HERE. If the questionnaire returns show sufficient support for a community café at Foundry House, we will take into account your replies and prepare a bid for funding. With the help of Acanthus Holden Architects, we have already prepared a draft scope of works and identified some potential contractors.