Foundry House Standard Conditions of Hire

BOOKING: The Halls may only be used for the purposes stated on the booking request and only the area paid for may be used.  The Hirer shall not sub-hire the premises or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful or unauthorised activity.  The Hirer (or their Authorized Representative, not being a person under 21 years of age), should be on the premises during the period of the booking.  Foundry House Management Group has the right to refuse a booking without giving a reason.

BOOKING CHARGES: The Halls and the Conference Room may be hired separately or collectively.  The charges are as set out on our website.  We kindly request that payment be made no later than 14 days after invoice date.

Regular users can make firm bookings 12 months ahead. 
Please note that any long-term block bookings are subject to regular review by the Foundry House Management Group.

Bookings cancelled with less than seven clear days’ notice will be charged at one third of the normal charge unless the accommodation can be re-let.

USE AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE: The Hirer will, during the period of the hiring, be responsible for supervision of the premises and accept responsibility for making good any damage or loss any damage, however slight, to the building and the contents.

Hirers must ensure that they, or a Foundry House volunteer, completes the attendance record sheet every time their group uses the building.

Hirers must leave the Hall or Room in the same clean and tidy condition as they find it.

Hirers are responsible for the set up and clean-up of each room, this includes setting up and putting away tables and chairs. 

Where their activity requires it, it is the Hirer’s responsibility to ensure that appropriate risk assessments, insurance and licenses are in place prior to the event.   For example, Hirers will need to check if they need a Temporary Events Notice or an Alcohol License.  Trustees reserve the right to inspect any relevant documentation.

The building must be vacated at the agreed time

SAFETY: Hirers should familiarize themselves with the locations of the Emergency Exits, Fire Extinguishers and the Safety Notices displayed in the building.  In particular they must ensure that access to the exits and equipment is kept free from obstruction.  All our electrical items are tested to comply with HSE standards.  Any electrical appliances and installations that the user brings and plugs into the building must be similarly tested.  We reserve the right to refuse their use if up to date test certificates are not available.

NUMBERS: For any function, the numbers present should not exceed 180.