Originally an iron foundry, then a family home, then a boxing club; by 1967 Foundry House was a successful Youth Centre run by youth leader Val McInally. Val is now back at Foundry House as one of our Trustees. The Youth Centre thrived until Pembrokeshire County Council put the building up for sale.
In 2004, the newly formed Pembroke 21C Community Association raised the asking price and purchased Foundry House on behalf of the people of Pembroke. Since then Foundry House has provided a venue for dozens of local groups and one-off events, as well as hosting a wide range of community projects.

Booking fees are Foundry House’s only source of income and we rely entirely on volunteers to keep the building up and running. The Charity’s current Trustees are: Ann Mortenson and Val McInally.
In May 20024 to better represent what had become its primary focus the charity’s name was changed from Pembroke 21C to Foundry House Community Centre, Pembroke Ltd.
In addition to running Foundry House, the charity holds the lease for Holyland Wood and has an arrangement with ateb housing association to use their land for St Oswald’s Community Garden
We look forward to Foundry House continuing to work closely with the whole community to provide a focus for activities that are open to all and encourage community spirit in Pembroke in an environmentally and economically sustainable way.
The Charity’s Governing Document can viewed here. Foundry House Community Centre, Pembroke Ltd is a Charity (No: 1106323) and a PLC (No: 05216985) without share capital, its annual accounts are filed at Companies House and may be viewed here