Just Checking

I haven’t visited Holyland Wood for a couple of weeks, so I thought it was time to check on the state of the site, particularly whether the boardwalk was becoming overgrown and how many Himalayan balsam plants were visible, in flower and setting seed!

Hiding in the reeds

Surprisingly I probably only pulled up 50 or so balsam plants and although some had seed pods they were not ripe and did not explode when touched,  (Good news!)  It may be too early to think that the population of this invasive species in the reedbed was “under control”.  It will be interesting to see what comes up next year before we start to pat ourselves on the back.

Some of the reeds were collapsing over the boardwalk in places, but were not causing severe obstructions to walkers.  I think that if I were to go along this week armed with a slashing hook and a broom I could quickly and easily clear the path.  I may do just that.

Else where in the Wood I cut back some of the trailing brambles that could snag visitors clothes, at the same time marvelling at the amount of berries that will be ripening very soon.

Plenty of food

The Wood itself was very quiet – very few birds were seen, only some robins and great tits, in fact the bird feeders that are present around the area were still full of food suggesting birds are still cautious of making an appearance after the summer moult or are finding plenty to eat in the surrounding fields.

Some trees were showing signs of early leaf fall, especially the chestnuts, limes and sycamores, a clear indication of the dry summer we are having.

Early autumn?

I met very few visitors whilst I was there and no cars in the car park for once although just as I was preparing to leave after sitting on the Co-op bench watching dragonflies patrolling the meadow, which looks great at the moment, a car pulled in and a couple asked if it was ok to park and look round.  It transpired they were visitors from London who were visiting Wales and Pembrokeshire for the first time and had been told about Holyland Wood whilst enjoying lunch in a local café!  Well done and thanks to whoever that was!