The minutes of the meeting are below, to see the documents circulated at the meeting click HERE
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Pembroke 21C Community Association
at Foundry House 6.30pm Tues 25th October 2022
15 people attended this meeting
1 Apologies Abi Marriott, John Thomas-Ferrand, Ken Jones, Gaynor Thomas, John Hogg
2 The Minutes of the last AGM held on the 12th October 2021 were accepted; proposed by Val McInally and seconded by Ann Mortenson
4 The Financial Report for the last calendar year can be viewed on the Foundry House website. Finances have improved over the last year with the lifting of covid restrictions and increased income from room bookings. In addition, 21 C has benefitted from donations over the last year, inc. chairs, a wall clock, an apple mac computer, and iPad. The accounts were accepted – proposed by Alan Hare and seconded by Ann Mortenson. It was agreed to retain the accountants Llewellyn Davies for now.
4 Chairs Report Pete Coleman (Chair of Trustees) gave a brief overview of the last year:
the 21C account is in credit, a new booking system – hallmaster is in place, a new CCTV system has been installed, new work practices introduced, a free google workspace set up, negotiations are ongoing with PCC to refurbish the extension and create a social enterprise café, though other alternative funding may need to be sought. Pete stressed the need for more volunteers to maintain and develop the activities at Foundry House and offer participants a warm welcome. The Chair’s Report was unanimously accepted.
5 Resignation, re-election and election of Trustees: Ken Jones and Lesley Moreton resigned. The remaining Trustees were re-elected. Christine Gwyther was elected – proposed by Nina Pope and seconded by Pete Coleman. James Ramage was elected – proposed by Peter Coleman and seconded by Irena Kruszona.
6 Holyland Wood Report – John Crum gave an overview of activities at Holyland Wood:
A tree inspection was held earlier in the year, trees have been felled, 5 work parties held, with support provided by South West Wales Wildlife Trust and Pembrokeshire National Parks, the Co-op provided funding for a new bench.
7 St Oswald Garden – no representative for the Garden was able to attend, but a written report was provided: in summary, a number of organised activities have taken place e.g. with the Scouts and Eastgate Creative Hwb, and the Garden has been enjoyed by over 200 visitors. Negotiations with ateb about the lease are ongoing.
8 Motion: To empower Trustees to change the name and legal status of the charity
“It is agreed that between this meeting and the next AGM or other General Meeting of Pembroke 21C, (whichever should come first), the Trustees may, whilst ensuring its aims and objectives remain unchanged, take all necessary actions to change the name of the Charity and also if appropriate its legal status” This motion was passed unanimously
9 AOB Irena Kruszona raised a question about the membership and the annual membership fee – Rosemary Moreton proposed that a membership secretary be sought, this was unanimously agreed.
Heartfelt thanks were given to the retiring Trustees, the current Trustees and all the volunteers, as well as the new Trustees.