Recent and Future Work at Holyland Wood

Recent and Future Work at Holyland Wood

Those people who regularly walk through Holyland Wood reedbed might have noticed some work undertaken there recently. We are fortunate that the PCNP Non-native Species Officer has been keeping an eye on the spread of Himalayan Balsam on our site. After consulting with us, he arranged for a contractor to come along and, using a powerful brushcutter, cut down parts of the reedbed that were heavily infested with Himalayan Balsam and difficult to access.

This work means that volunteers can now enter the area and pull plants before too many of them start to flower, set seed and cause more problems next year!

If anyone is interested in joining us for a couple of hours, we shall be organising a Volunteers Work Party very soon to pull Himalayan Balsam and to clear the boardwalk path – keep a look out for posters and our Holyland Wood Noticeboard for dates and times.

Please come along even if you can only spare an hour!