Site Visit Report

An email from Mat Tebbut prompted my visit today.  It has been a few weeks since I last had a walk around and was high time I checked that all was well.

It was a sunny and warm autumn day and it was good to see visitors making use of the new Co-op bench.

Taking in the view

The boardwalk path was still passable and the tall reeds were starting to fall over, thankfully not onto the boardwalk.  Within the reedbed I could see a few patches of flowering Himalayan Balsam that had been missed but the fear that it may be too wet underfoot prevented me from venturing in to pull them out.

Elsewhere autumn was apparent in some trees but there was still plenty of green leaves visible so a sweeping task is not urgent and can wait until a work party in December perhaps?

Path clear

There are a couple of trees that need to be carefully watched near the boardwalk entrance that are holding up a tree that came down in one of last winters storms.  I’m pretty sure they are leaning more and more from the weight they are bearing.

Along the top path a section of the field boundary fence has been pushed over and the fence posts broken at the base.  I’m not sure who is responsible for the repairs.

In the car park the noticeboard has been up dated with new posters promoting the next Wildlife Trust talks and a revised Foundry House Diary.  We should find some space for a Foundry House AGM poster sometime soon.

I have been reminded that it is nearly a year since we had a safety inspection of the woodland trees and we need to confirm that all the work in the report has been completed as required.  I think a Management Group meeting is needed soon to plan a winter work programme.

The Boardwalk and Reedbed