Visit Report 07/07/2022

On my visit today I particularly wanted to see the work that had been done to improve the access from Jack Skone’s Lane.  For quite a while a tree has slowly been getting lower, to such a point that visitors needed to limbo underneath it to get further along the boardwalk!  Fortunately, the woodland owner employed someone to cut down the tree this week and unimpeded access is now restored!

Whilst there I took the opportunity to ascertain how much Himalayan Balsam I could see after our last Work Party and the cutting down of some of the reedbed by a contractor.  Unfortunately, I did find quite a few flowering plants that I removed but identified more low growing plants that have so far evaded being pulled up.  I now propose to have another Volunteer Work Party to see if we can eradicate these last few plants.  It is likely to be a mid-week work party so that we can have the benefit of the Wildlife Trust’s volunteers as well, who meet on a Wednesday.

On a positive note, work has now been completed installing a new bench, donated by the Cooperative Group, in the meadow near the car park.  Work was carried out by a local firm who were very helpful and made several suggestions as to where and how the bench should be placed to benefit most visitors. I am sure it will be well used and hope it has a long and trouble-free life!

The wildlife sightings today included many of the usual birds: numerous blackbirds, robins, wrens, longtailed tits, magpies, thrushes etc but also heard but couldn’t see a woodpecker drumming away on a tree near the boardwalk – very frustrating!  Other sightings were a number of squirrels, one of which I disturbed raiding the recently filled birdfeeder; so spooked it leaped in the air and landed at my feet!  I’m not sure who was more alarmed.  Whilst talking to the men installing the bench, we all watched a toad crawl away into the long grass to hide. very wise!