I haven’t visited Holyland Wood for a couple of weeks, although Irena and I did update the noticeboard this week with a poster promoting Hedgehog Week from 1st May, and it was great to see how green everything has become. Spring has exploded and new life is visible evrywhere.
The birds are busy with new families and songbirds are in full voice. Robins and blue tits follow you everywhere in case you drop something tasty! I saw a number of song thrushes all doing the same thing – exploiting the freshly excavated molehills and snatching food, before rushing back to the nest. Blackbird seem to have a knack of negotiating trees, branches and visitors in their single-minded dash at low level, backwards and forwards to their broods.
I met many happy dog walkers who all commented on the beauty of the Woods and how grateful they were to be able to visit them so close to their doorstep!

I took a small saw and a pair of secateurs to cut back any twigs or thorns creeping onto the paths but didn’t really need them. All seemed fine. I was reminded that I still have to remove the half sleepers that have been dropped in the stream and soon would be a good time to do it while the water level is low.
I also noted that a small fire had been lit where young people seem to meet so suggest we keep an eye on this habit as the evenings get longer.
John C