I haven’t been able to visit the Wood for a couple of weeks but went out today; a cold but sunny early spring morning. Primarily I was looking at the trees that had been identified by the recent Safety Survey to ensure that the most urgent work had been completed as recommended.

On Thursday 31st March contractors had tackled the tree identified by the code T2 which was growing on the fence line, but was in danger of falling onto the main road. The tree has been reduced in height to 4m approx and the debris left on the verge. I believe the work was undertaken by Murray Taylor. There is still tree T7 to be tackled before the end of the year. It is a mature oak with the crown over the main road and will require traffic control when the work is in progress. We should speak to the owner (JT-F) asap to schedule the work. Tree T6 will also require further work to remove dead branches that are propped up by neighbouring trees close to the boardwalk start.
Nature notes: Birds seen included Blackbirds, Robins, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Long-tailed Tits, female Blackcap, Wood Pigeons, Jackdaws, Nuthatches, Wren, Jay, Thrush. Activity seen near the badger sett indicates the bedding is being refreshed. Also seen were grey squirrels and a large Buff-tailed Bumble Bee. Amongst the plants; Ransomes (Wild Garlic) are growing stongly in the woodland, a patch of Wood Anemones seen amongst the Celandines. Marsh Marigolds in the wetter areas and Cowslips in the car park meadow.
Unfortunately some of the sleepers have found their way into the river and we will need to fish them out before too long!
I watched an interesting presentation by the Cardiff Wildlife Trust Group on Alien Species Control (including Himalayan Balsam and Japanese Knotweed). The talk is still available on YouTube. CLICK HERE
John C