Visitor Information
The site is c.4.3ha in area, predominantly of semi-natural broadleaved woodland, with areas of reedbed and wet woodland. The site is bordered by Pembroke River and the A4075 (Holyland Road) to the South and arable farmland to the North. Holyland House comprises the Eastern boundary; and a tributary and Pembroke Upper Mill Pond (PUMP) Nature Reserve comprise the Western boundary. PUMP is owned by Crown Estates and leased to the Wildlife Trust South and West Wales who manage it as a Local Nature Reserve.
Car Parking: There is space in the Holyland Wood car park for up to six cars (No overnight parking). There is also some layby parking opposite the entrance to Holyland Wood.
Walking Routes and Accessibility: There is a map on the Holyland Wood Notice Board in the car park. If walking all routes, allow approximately 45-60 minutes.
Main Route: There is one principal through route from the car park to the Top Woodland path; with steep slopes and variable muddy conditions.
Route to Jack Skones Lane: Path and boardwalk to main road, at west end of site. 10 minutes return. Slight gradient on boardwalk, with no turning or passing places.
Boardwalk Loop near Holyland House: Path and boardwalk through woodland, at east end of site. 15 minutes. Steps on path and steep gradient.
All users should proceed with caution under the following conditions:-

⚠ Parts of the boardwalk have become distorted with raised sections and small gaps that may make it difficult for those with mobility issues or pushchairs.
⚠ Sections of the boardwalk are liable to flooding and may be impassable during very wet weather.
⚠ Tree branches may pose overhead dangers if loosened during and following high winds.
Guidelines for Visitors

In order to enhance the enjoyment of all users and to minimise disturbance to wildlife and habitats, the following should be observed:-
Walkers should stick to the above routes and not stray off the main paths.
Dogs should be kept under control, preferably on leads, as this reduces the risk of them going off the main paths and disturbing wildlife.
Pick up and dispose of all dog poo, in the bins provided in the car park and at Jack Skones Lane.
Do not leave any litter behind. Either take it home or use the litter bins provided.
Do not light fires anywhere on site. The boardwalk has been set on fire previously and been significantly damaged, as well as bushes destroyed.
No overnight camping or parking is allowed on site. No cycling along any of the routes is allowed.
Woodland Maintenance and Public Involvement
Woodland maintenance is done entirely by volunteers, guided by Pembroke 21C Holyland Wood Management Group. We encourage regular visitors to Holyland Wood to report wildlife sightings and any significant problems, as well as to join Work Parties.
Past activities have included public walks and surveys of flora and fauna, reporting our records to local wildlife-recording centres. By recording wildlife in the Wood, we hope to encourage members of the community to take pleasure in the natural world and appreciate its health-giving properties.