Lots of work has been carried out this week in Holyland Wood that will be quite noticeable to visitors.
A team of Wildlife Trust Volunteers have cut back overhanging branches and vegetation along the stream that forms a boundary between Holyland Wood, Kingsbridge Cottages and Holyland Road houses and Pembroke Upper Mill Pond Reserve. This should have a benefit for the wildlife and aquatic life too.

Another job we need to arrange will be erecting some fencing on the Holyland Wood side of the stream.

A skilled tree surgeon, Alfie Sutcliffe from St Ishmaels, assisted by one of our volunteers, carried out some remedial work to trees that were leaning over the boardwalk. The trees had been taking the weight of a mature tree that had toppled over last year and were starting to cause an obstruction to the public using the boardwalk.

Sawn limbs were cut into long lengths and log piles created. Hopefully these will form new habitats for insects and fungus.

Near the car park some sycamore tree thinning has been done to improve light reaching young trees that were struggling to establish themselves.
An attempt has been made to remove some of the brambles growing in the grass by digging out the roots. Removing the woody growth will make it easier to make an early cut of the grass in spring!
Litter along Jack Skone’s Lane is appalling! Local Council workers regularly carry out litter clearances along this stretch of road but it is worse than I have ever seen it today. I managed to do about a third of the length filling a bag mostly with beer cans and biscuit wrappers! Gateways have large numbers of cans dumped there and if you look over the hedge, refuse bags and old tyres can be seen as well!

Otherwise, a great weeks work and huge improvement.