There are several ways you can become a Friend of Foundry House.
1) Become a paid-up Member of Foundry House Community Centre. For £5 a year you can become a Member of the Charity. Your contribution will help to maintain and develop Foundry House for community use and you will be kept informed about what’s happening at Foundry House and its associated community projects. As a member of The Charity, we will seek your views about future developments and you will have voting rights during General Meetings and may put yourself forward to become a Trustee of the Charity. How to pay your membership fee.
2) Become a Volunteer at Foundry House or with an Associated Community Project. We have a broad range of volunteering opportunities at Foundry House such as helping with The Warm Welcome Café, meeting and greeting our user groups and cleaning and maintaining the building. Volunteering opportunities are also available at St Oswalds’s Community Garden and The Holyland Wood Nature Reserve.
3) Join the Friends of Foundry House Mailing List. If you don’t want to volunteer or become a member of the Charity, but wish to show your support and keep in touch with what’s happening, you are very welcome to join the Friends of Foundry House mailing list.
If you are interested in any of these ways of supporting Foundry House, fill in the fields below or CLICK HERE to download, complete and return an application form and we will be in touch.